Imzedrift's Nick
€0.00 EUR
Date of birth: 03.04.2019
Height / Weight: 64.00 cm / 37.00 kg
Pedigree number: SE 27946/2019
Chip number: 977200009465206
Show score: SG
Working cert.: IGP 1, IGP 2, IGP 3
F: Cartagena Ivan
M: Imzedrifts Claudia
2024 WUSV World Championship 276p 95,89,92
2024 WDC Working Dog Championship USA 272p 90,89,93
2023 Vice Champion Swe FCI IGP Championship 286p 98,92,96
#7 FCI / IGP Worldchampionship 2023, 277p 98, 87, 92
#12 WUSV / IGP Worldchampionship 2024, 276p 95, 89, 92
IGP1: 290p, 97. 93, 100
IGP2 : 292p 97, 95, 100
IGP3: 294p 98, 96, 100
IGP3: 293p 98, 97, 98
Imzedrifts Nick after the famous female and producer Imzedrifts Claudia (swedish champ, universal champ in sweden, and #5 at wusv in Modena 2019, She is also mother to Nicks halfbrother Imzedrifts Lotus in Belgium). His father was a extremly great male that not so many know... I used him first becaude of himself as a dog, but aslo because of his father Chades Athos, also a policedog that came back to the breeder, because Athos was not under control in service...)
Nick came back to us at a age of 9 month. The former owner Pamela (with Imzedrifts Viggo) had made a good job with him, but Nick need to "come down on the earth".. He was very "extrovert" and challanged all he could, including me..., Now in our kennel in cooperation with Natalie with (Imzedrifts Qie, Imzedrifts Claudia, Imzedrifts Liit), Nick is become a great dog. He is open, social with tons of drive.
Nick have a very natural tracking, he has a natural always full grip, and have a easy bark,(where he prio the aggressions) so we try to calm that down and teach him to use it when he need... he is totaly free in all environments.
As you can see at the temperamnet evaluationtest (doc below), he is open and social to all people, very very fast in all pray (hunting/catching moments), total fairless for all the surprises, and very curious.
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